Today, the Bruins reported the most devastating news since the trade of Joe Thornton to the San Jose Sharks. The contract of home play by play man Dale Arnold was not renewed and road pxp man Jack Edwards will take over all the games. You may know Edwards as the guy who talks over everyone else and never lets color guy Andy Brickley get a word in. Edwards has a very limited knowledge of hockey and tends to repeat the same stories over and over. Arnold was the signature voice of todays Bruins, I can't imagine any reason not to bring him back this season. With hockey ratings continuing to decline this is not the kind of move you want to make. Edwards makes me less likely to watch the game, although I almost always do anyway, but some less devoted fans may be completely turned off. NESN should reconsider their decision. If you agree with me sign my online petition, as pitiful as it might be at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/edwardsucks
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